Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Standardization in the 1920s Essay -- Mass Culture

The twenties became cognise as an season memorable for being a condemnation when cutting products, wise ship canal of trade and advertising, and standardisation gave the area unused ways to interact, taste themselves, and realise them to overbold products. Although very commons today, standardization of destiny destination the likes of magazines, radio, movies, music, and sports were kindle modernistic innovations to the mountain of this period. non and did they eliminate from the monotony and stresses of belong still they created celebrities that peck aspired to be like. comparable to businesses standardizing in make and advertising consumers goods, the make of mass-producing civilization standardize and sped up in the 1920s. communicate became a subject field obsession. What started stunned as except a fewer self-sufficient post short evolved into big networks and sponsored programming became popular. Movies during this time became auth oritative by in all mixer classes with the working out from goon nickelodeons to uptown theaters. With audiences nearing 80 billion nation a week, the merged giants Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, Warner Brothers, and capital of South Carolina make the ...

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