Thursday, October 31, 2019

A comparative study of IVF (in vetro fertilization) Essay

A comparative study of IVF (in vetro fertilization) - Essay Example Therefore, due to the high scientific relevance for human beings, this topic of study has been chosen. It has been a fact in the US and other countries that there has been an increase in the infertility rates. Especially, there are almost zero chances of women getting pregnant in their late 30s and 40s. IVF acts as a problem solver to almost around 90% of such cases. The procedures that are incorporated in the IVF treatment, the benefits associated with such a treatment which eventually results in a healthy mother and baby. The minimum specification of this treatment is getting a healthy baby. Kiplinger’s Personal finance March 1989 issue, â€Å"Changing times: The American dream† discussing about the IVF technique says â€Å"IVF is most effective in surmounting tubal problems, endometriosis or sperm scarcity† The American Dream. Changing Times: Kiplinger’s Guide. 1989. Web. 31 January 2012. In this issue the author talks about the IVF technology and in which cases this should be used. The author also states that IVF should be the last option that should be tested and all other options should be tried and used before going for IVF. â€Å"IVF is the process of combining an egg and sperm not in the body, but in a laboratory dish. When the IVF procedure is successful, the process is continued with a procedure known as embryo transfer, which physically places embryo in the uterus† Barbados Fertility Center. Healthy Travel Media. 2010. Web. 31 January 2012. In this book the author talks about the procedures involved in the IVF technology and how an IVF process could be assumed to be successful or not. This book also discusses the costs and expenses associated

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

It's Beginning to Hurt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 2

It's Beginning to Hurt - Essay Example Having romantic relationship with several women is seen as the work of the devil, in Christianity. Stewart, the travel writer, is a happy family man, with a happy wife. Happiness in the family is key virtue, and hence supported by religions. The story illustrates the nature of opposite sex relationships (James 35). This relationship is usually sexually and hence immoral. Seduction, as illustrated in the story, encourages the evil act which in Christianity is the aim of the devil. The two characters in the story are aware of the morals of each other; however, they ignore the negative aspects of the morals. Turning a blind eye to the deeds of an individual is viewed as sin in Faustian bargain. And the negative act is favored by the devil. The Half Sister illustrates an individual who is not happy with himself and the world. He believes that he is a total failure in all aspects of the world. Plans are organized to make him marry an ugly woman (James 47). Marriage is always considered a gift; but the author illustrates the negative side of that gift, which is an ugly woman for a wife. This is the negative aspect of the

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Idea Expression Dichotomy UK

Idea Expression Dichotomy UK Copyright law goes beyond protecting just a verbatim copy and delves on a scheme of arrangement. Therefore copyright law acknowledges not only the form in which the author expressed the ideas but also the content of the ideas to a certain extent. In essence, since copyright law goes beyond the consideration of verbatim copies the usage of any element of the work could constitute a copyright infringement. This gives rise to the problem of demarcating a line between the unprotected idea protected expression since copyright infringement could exist for taking the substance without copying the form. Ideas are human conceptions that have been represented. They are not abstract conceptions that exist independent of a thought process  [3]  . The process of thinking of an idea involves giving it expression. Therefore, ideas are human conceptions and cannot exist independently of a way of conceptualizing i.e. essentially the expression. In essence there are no expressionless ideas. There fore the idea expression dichotomy lives upto its name of being the central axiom of copyright law in determining what is copyrightable. The limitation that has been imposed by law on copyrightable materials is copyrightability of ideas. Therefore this limits the elements which can be copyrightable but yet does not provide a workable solution for the dichotomy. The perimeters of the encroachment inevitably vary because the interpretation of the idea-expression dichotomy in the legal order at any given time is essentially a reflection of shifting political choices in a particular jurisdiction and era about what should be able to be privately owned and what should be kept in the public domain  [4]   Though the content behind something can be similar the means and ways of expressing it are completely different as are the modes of receiving the expression. As an illustration, Shakespeares way of characterizing a scene and any other authors way of depicting a scene would be clearly different even though the subject matter of characterization would be different. Therefore by virtue of this paper the researcher seeks to analyze the idea expression dichotomy as well as provide for a justification and a working critique to the same. The courts have never been clear to differentiate the concept of unprotected ideas from protected expressions and hence forth would go into the aspect as well. An excurses into the history of the origin of this difference will be constructed and thence an analysis of Indian Law on the subject. History Origin of the Doctrine The history of Copyright though began with the invention of the Gutenberg printing press and the passing of the Statute of Anne in 1710. The Statute of Anne was bought into play for the encouragement of learning, by vesting the copies of printed books in the authors. Therefore, it can be said that first attempt at passing a copyright legislation recognized the fact that there would protection of only expressions that have been put forth in the books of the authors. But this legislation cannot be squarely called a copyright legislation. The courts show a more interesting history that can be discerned through two different eras of judicial pronouncements. The history of copyright law has occurred in the jurisdictions of the United Kingdom and United States, where the legal principles were settled. India, in recognizing the need for a separate copyright law has agreed on the basic principles  [5]  which have been embodied in the United States, United Kingdom Laws and the International Agreements on copyright  [6]  . The idea-expression dichotomy as it stands envisages the freedom of the existence of ideas in the public domain as it involves dissemination of knowledge and therefore the encouragement of learning. This assertion has been seen to have been existing from the times of ancient Rome where Seneca had stated that ideas are common property and therefore cannot be protected  [7]  . In the case of Millar v. Taylor  [8]  wherein Judge Yates gave the dissenting opinion, stated clearly that the protection that was guaranteed under copyright laws was to print a set of intellectual ideas or modes of thinking or set of works. Therefore by not referring to a fixated material form the inevitable conclusion that forms is the fact that the dichotomy existed but as an abstraction. Another factor that is important to be seen is that there was the absence of patent law and therefore there would be no overlapping of rights of novelty or idea in such a case. This distinction that was created in a d issenting opinion was further diluted by the case of Emerson v. Davies  [9]  wherein it was stated precisely that there would be copyright in a plan, arrangement and combination of materials for an author and in his mode of illustrating his subject if it is novel. Therefore, the added criteria of novelty and the usage of words of arrangement and combination clearly dilutes the gap between idea and expression further. In the case of Lawrence v. Dana  [10]  the court said that the author of a book has as much right in the plan, arrangement and combination as he has in his thoughts sentiments and reflections. In this regard it is stated that there came a point in the history of copyright law wherein the dichotomy had been diluted and ideas were treated at par with expressions. The jurisprudence with regard to copyright law was set straight with the decisions of Burros-Giles Lithograph Company v. Sarony  [11]  and the origin of the doctrine was marked in the cases of Baker v. Selden  [12]  and Holmes v. Hurst  [13]  . In the cases mentioned above it was seen that the court clearly drew a distinction by making two categories for works i.e. un-protected art in protected work and protected work  [14]  . Therefore I can be said that though the court did not clearly differentiate between ideas and expressions, there is a clear distinction that can be discerned through the usage of the words unprotected art in a protected work which gives shape to the demarcation of the Dichotomy. This doctrine was given definite form and used in cases  [15]  after Holmes v. Hurst  [16]  where it was said that The right thus secured by the copyright act is not a right to the use of certain words, because they are the common property of the human race, and are as little susceptible of private appropriation as air or sunlight; nor is the right to ideas alone, since in the absence of means of communicating them they are of value to no one but the author The copyright dichotomy has spread across many jurisdictions, forming the fundamental axiom of copyright law in determining the copyrightability of a certain subject matter. Furthermore, it has served as an adjustment to accommodate Patent Law as well. There has since the origin of the theory been a debate over the justifiability of the doctrine. Justification for Copyright Theory The primary purpose of copyright law is to maintain the balance between provision of incentives to promote creative works on one hand and public interest on the other. The best possible manifestation of this statement is present in the United States Constitutions copyright clause which states à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.promote the Progress of Science and useful Arts, by securing for limited Times to Authors and Inventors the exclusive Right to their respective Writings and Discoveries  [17]   Therefore, in essence, copyright law is aimed at promotion of creativity and dissemination of creative works so that the public can benefit from it  [18]  . To reach this goal the authors are given incentives to create by virtue rights such as the right to profit and control their work. But it must be kept in mind that right of one against another essentially involves the abstinence from a certain right for another. Therefore, the provision of exclusive rights over one work would constitute a barrier to any others from using the same in his/her work  [19]  . This would lead to the achieving of a self defeating purpose. It is conventional to suggest that literary imagination is not s volcano of pure imagination  [20]  . In this regard if the purpose of copyright law was to give the author of an expression, exclusive rights over the idea as well the balance of copyright law would tip over to private rights rather than public interest. In the case of Eichel v. Marcon  [21]   the New York circuit court set forth this proposition very artistically and said If an author, by originating a new arrangement and form of expression of certain ideas or conceptions, could withdraw these ideas or conceptions could withdraw these ideas or conceptions from the stock of materials to be used by other authors, each copyright would narrow the field thought open for development and exploitation, and science poetry, narrative and dramatic action as well as other branches of literature would be hindered by copyright instead of being promoted. Another factor which strongly provides for a justification is that though copyright law provides for incentives for creation, it undermines competition which usually marks the efficiency of the market. By virtue of making even ideas copyrightable, there would be an increase in the cost of provision subsequently simply due to the fact that the subsequent author would seek to offset the cost of the license to the public. The idea expression dichotomy in copyright law finds its justification in the Utilitarian school of thought. The utilitarian school of thought has justified the existence of copyright law so as to induce innovation and intellectual productivity. The utilitarian thought, with their strong belief in, the greater good of the greater number, advocate the conferment of rights in order to strike a balance between the economic interests of right-holders and the greater interest of the public  [22]  . It has been set forth that utilitarian theorists argue that limited monopolies spur innovation, and in order to foster innovation the system must recognize exclusive rights in intellectual creationsrights which are limited in duration and scope  [23]  . The Idea/expression dichotomy seeks to provide for such a balance. By limiting the scope of giving rights to the expressions only, copyright law seeks to provide for the greater good which is the dissemination of ideas. By keeping ideas in the public domain and thereby giving public access on one hand to copyrighting expressions to provide incentive the goal of copyright law which is to promote creativity is achieved. In essence the Idea expression dichotomy imposes a limitation upon copyright law for the greater good  [24]  . In a situation where the ideas were also copyrightable the public access to such would be difficult leading to derogation of arts sciences and literature. Another factor that seeks to provide justification for this dichotomy is the Lockean labour theory. The theory has been used in many instances without regard to the proviso contained therein. The Lockean labor theory in brevity states that the laborer is entitled to the products of her labour, provided that there is enough, and as good, left in common for others  [25]  . This essentially again seeks to suggest a limitation of the exclusive right that is conferred by copyright. Moreover, it is asserted that there is reference to leaving ideas in the public domain by suggesting that enough as good is left in common. Therefore, the statement in short seeks to provide a justification to provide protection for applying labour to the abstraction (idea) which exists in public domain to give it a definitive form whereas exempting the idea (abstraction) itself. Therefore, copyright theory clearly provides for the distinct treatment of ideas from expressions in terms for what is to be copyrighted. This differential treatment therefore transforms into a distinction between copyrightable works and non-copyrightable works. Theoretically speaking copyright does elicit a dichotomy but the said dichotomy has been said to be troubled in light of the absence of any line demarcating an idea from an expression The problems shrouding the dichotomy : Criticisms It is set forth at the very outset that if the law of copyright does not or cannot effectively separate ideas from expressions, then it cannot be persuasively argued that ideas are not controlled by the law of copyright and thereby removed from free circulation in the public sphere  [26]  . The history of copyright law has viewed ideas and expressions as two different categories and has therefore made a line to distinguish the same. There have been many problems that arose in the past century with regards this distinction and its theory but this distinction has been retained. A district court in New York in the case of Steinburg v. Columbia Pictures Indus  [27]  explained the retention of this imprecise doctrine to be a result of no other better alternative. Ideas are human conceptions that have been represented. They are not abstract conceptions that exist independently waiting to be thought. The process of thinking of an idea involves giving it expression. Therefore, ideas are human conceptions and cannot exist independently of a way of conceptualizing i.e. essentially the expression. An idea is the substance of a writing whereas the expression is the form. The substance shapes the form and the form shapes the substance. Hence both cannot exist independently and have a complementary relationship. In essence what is implied is that there are no expressionless ideas. Therefore ideas never exist independently of an expression since the only way to conceptualize an idea is an expression. Though law creates a fictionary line between ideas and expression but in essence there can be no unexpressionless ideas  [28]  . Law in essences views ideas as abstractions or generalities and therefore distinct from expressions which are fixed in a me dium  [29]  . Though there have been many judicial pronouncements upon the existence of the dichotomy, but yet none of the courts have coherently put forth the definition and scope of idea or expression or the demarcating line between the two  [30]  . The dichotomy has been signified in many cases as ideas behind expressions  [31]   or underlying ideas  [32]  , but have neither gone onto clearly distinguishing the difference nor provided conceptual clarity with respect to the terms. Furthermore, the variety of terminologies that have been used seeks to provide a lack of clarity in this field. At the outset the creation of this demarcation involves a number of implications. Firstly, it has been asserted that upon scrutiny of a certain work there can be a number of ideas that are ascertained at different levels  [33]  . Therefore in the absence of any coherent definition and scope of idea or expression there would essentially be an imposition of a courts own value judgments  [34]  in answering the question of what is a idea or expression. Indian Courts have also seen the imposition of such a value judgment, specifically in the case of NRI Film Production Associates v. Twentieth Century Fox Anr  [35]  wherein it was alleged that the Hollywood production Independence Day was a copy of the film Extra-Terrestrial Mission. The court it was seen pronounced upon the point on infringement and while doing so imposed its own value judgments around the movie and came to the conclusion that there was no uniqueness regarding the same. Though it was seen in the case that the counsel for the applicants had vehemently agitated upon various novel conceptualizations but the court nevertheless found a distinction in the manner in which the script had been posed. Secondly the problem that is posed is that copyright recognizes infringement not only when there is a verbatim copy of the concept at hand but also when there is copy of the scheme of arrangement  [36]  . In this regard it is asserted that a writings idea has a great bearing upon the scheme of arrangement and other similarly placed matters. But, the judicial fiction of the Idea/expression dichotomy essentially groups the scheme and arrangement within the domain of an expression and consequently creating a conflict in the paradigm of the dichotomy. The courts essentially by virtue of this distinction have created two categories under ideas i.e. to say ideas that are un-protectable due to being abstractions and ideas that are protectable due to having a direct relation with the expression of the idea. Therefore it is concluded that there are inherent problems with the working of this dichotomy which is complex and intricate. The courts in their judgments have failed to define the abstractions (Ideas) and thereby differentiate ideas from expressions with the needed clarity so as to provide for a coherent judicial fiction. The Dichotomy in the Indian Copyright Act 1957 The Indian Copyright act has been established after the realization of the need of a new copyright law to replace the existing copyright law enacted by the British. It was felt that the Copyright Act of 1911 which was bought into application into the Indian Jurisdiction with adaptation as the Indian Copyright Act of 1914  [37]  . Since there was a fundamental difference in this constitutional situation post independence the legislature decided to bring about the Indian Copyright Act, 1957  [38]  . The principles regarding copyright law were settled when bringing a law regarding the same as the legislative intention embodied in the Statement of Objects and Reasons clearly states the reliance upon the Berne Convention and the Universal Copyright Convention  [39]  . Furthermore, by reference to à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦.in light of the experience gained in the past forty years over the working of the act  [40]  it can be concluded that there is acceptance of the basic principles o f copyright law. The Indian Copyright Act does not contain any specific reference to the Idea/Expression Dichotomy but yet there is an implied recognition of the right. Section 13 sets forth the works in which copyright subsists and enumerates the following a) Literary, dramatic, musical and artistic work b) cinematograph films sound recordings. In this regard, to obtain clarity it will be expedient to look into the definition of all these types of works which have been provided under the Copyright Act as the subject matter of copyright. Artistic work has been defined under Section 2 (c) of the Indian Copyright Act  [41]  . In this regard if it is seen the nature of the section which is an inclusive and indicative definition shows central characteristics of being fixated and being concrete expressions of an artists creative edge. Furthermore, though the definition of Literary work provided in Section 2 (0) of the act eludes a specific form  [42]  , reference can be made to the definition of Literary Work as under the Berne Convention on Copyright  [43]  , which clearly requires literary work and all allied works under the definition to be in form of an expression. Furthermore, the definition of dramatic and musical work which have been provided for under sections 2(h)  [44]  and 2 (p)  [45]  provide for the external manifestation of the idea by way of fixating it in a medium as well as through the requirement of being an arrangement or scheme which is capable of being discerned. Therefore in this regard it is asserted that the definition of the different types of works which are the subject matter of copyright under Indian Law clearly through the nature of the definition show that expressions are the only mode that is copyrightable and not ideas. This assertion can be justified with two points, firstly, the fact that the common characteristic running through all the types of works running above is that of a concrete fixated work. Secondly, all the illustrations mentioned in the definition clause clearly show another underlying scheme which is that there needs to be an arrangement of ideas and scheme of arrangement in the works that have been enumerated as the subject matter of copyright. Furthermore, the courts in India have identified the existence of the dichotomy and therefore not granted copyright to ideas  [46]  . There have been a plethora of authorities in this regard, but the settled position of law expressed by the Supreme Court has been in the case of R.G.Anand v. Delux Films  [47]  , the court clearly held that no copyright subsists in ideas, subject matter, themes, plots, legendary facts and only the original expression of such thought or information in some concrete form is protected  [48]  . This is because law does not recognize property rights in abstract ideas and does not accord the author or proprietor the protection of his ideas  [49]  . While pronouncing the judgment the Apex Court looked at various decision from U.S. and U.K like the case of Donoghue v. Allied Newspapers  [50]   This at any rate is clear, and one can start with this beyond all question that there is no copyright in an idea, or in ideas. If the idea, however brilliant and however clever it may be, is nothing more than an idea, and is not put into any form of words, or any form of expression such as a picture or a play, then there is no such thing as copyright at all. It is not until it is (If I may put it in that way) reduced into writing, or into some tangible form, that you get any right to copyright at all, and the copyright exists in the particular form of language in which, or, in the case of a picture, in the particular form of the picture by which, the information or the idea is conveyed to those who are intended to read it or look at it. The Supreme Court concluded by setting forth the law underlying copyright act by stating that the dichotomy did in fact exist. The court opined that an idea, principle, theme, or subject matter or historical or legendary facts being common property cannot be the subject matter of copyright of a particular person  [51]  . Therefore since the idea or the theme behind a work is not copyrightable, where the theme is the same but is presented and treated differently so that the subsequent work becomes a completely new work, no question of violation of copyright arises. Conclusion The Idea-Expression Dichotomy that exists as a fundamental principle of copyright law essentially seeks to protect the expressions and not the Ideas behind the expressions. The case for securing protection to the expressions as opposed to the ideas remains entrenched deeply in the theory of copyright law. The doctrine got definitive form in the case of Baker v. Selden  [52]  and thereafter was affirmed in later judgment of Holmes v. Hurst  [53]  . Notwithstanding the justifications for the dichotomy, there has been much debate about the efficacy of the doctrine. Since the aim of copyright law is to encourage learning by giving incentive, by copyrighting ideas the whole aim of giving incentives stands nullified. The authors novel thoughts can be taken and adapted by subsequent authors of works. But on the other hand the dichotomy serves a dual purpose i.e. to say it helps in distinguishing copyright law from patent law which essentially protects novelties and on the other hand serves public interest by allowing dissemination of ideas into the public domain. This doctrine has been adapted into Indian Law, though not expressly through the statutory provisions. The doctrine has been derived indirectly from the provisions of the act since it forms the basic principles underlying Copyright Law. The courts in a number of cases have reiterated this dichotomy and clearly said that expressions in the form of arrangement, schemes of arrangement etc are copyrightable.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Free Admissions Essay - Care for an Ethnically Diverse Population :: Medicine College Admissions Essays

Admissions Essay - Care for an Ethnically Diverse Population Crayfish tails in tarragon butter, galantine of rabbit with foie gras, oxtail in red wine, and apple tartelletes. The patient had this rich meal and complained of "liver upset" (crise de foie). Why a liver ache? I always associate indigestion with a stomach ache. In studying French culture in my Evolutionary Psychology class, I learned that when experiencing discomfort after a rich meal, the French assume their liver is the culprit. Understanding and dealing with the minor - sometimes major - cultural differences is a necessity in our shrinking world and diverse American society. Anthropology has prepared me to effectively communicate with an ethnically diverse population. My science classes, research, and clinical experience have prepared me to meet the demands of medical school. I first became aware of the valuable service that physicians provide when I observed my father, a surgeon, working in his office. I gained practical experience assisting him and his staff perform various procedures in his out-patient center. This exposure increased my admiration for the restorative, technological, and artistic aspects of surgery. I also saw that the application of medical knowledge was most effective when combined with compassion and empathy from the health care provider. While admiring my father's role as a head and neck surgeon helping people after severe accidents, I also found a way to help those suffering from debilitating ailments. Working as a certified physical trainer, I became aware of the powerful recuperative effects of exercise. I was able to apply this knowledge in the case of Sharon, a forty-three-year-old client suffering from lupus. she reported a 200% increase in her strength tests after I trained her. This meant she could once again perform simple tasks like carrying groceries into her house. Unfortunately, this glimpse of improvement was followed by a further deterioration in her condition. On one occasion, she broke down and cried about her declining health and growing fears. It was then that I learned no physical prowess or application of kinesiology would alleviate her pain. I helped reduce her anxiety with a comforting embrace. Compassion and understanding were the only remedies available, temporary though they were. To confirm that medicine is the best way for me to help others, I assisted a research team in the Emergency Room at University Medical Center (UMC).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Nokia †Internal Analysis Essay

Financial performance We start our internal analysis by looking at Nokia’s sales and profitability. Strong sales and profitability results can indicate that the previous strategies were successful and changes in either can implicate a change in the market viability (Aaker, Mcloughlin, 2007). In 2007, Nokia realized total sales of about 435 million units and a net profit of â‚ ¬7,205 million. Although it has only a market share of 9.8% in the United States market, Nokia has a worldwide market share of 37,8%. This makes Nokia the market leader in the telecom industry and hereby a dominant player in the market. Nokia has 10 manufacturing facilities in 9 countries, and from these locations she distributes her products to more than 150 countries and different segments. With sales growing considerably compared to 2006, Nokia’s large customer base has only increased. Assuming new customers will create loyalty, future earnings are brought in. However, growth in the industry is declining, making it a difficult task for Nokia to keep their customers with the company. In 2007, Nokia’s total assets were â‚ ¬35,599 million (annual report Nokia, 2007), resulting in a Return On Assets (ROA) of â‚ ¬7,205/â‚ ¬35,599 = 20.24%. Nonfinancial performance Financial performance measures are primarily a reflection of the short-term business results. Because of this, nonfinancial performance measures must also be considered. Nonfinancial performance measures often provide better measures of long-term business health (Aaker, Mcloughlin, 2007). Relative costs Since 2004, Nokia is offering cheaper phones for the emerging markets. By using her economies of scale, Nokia was able to lower her costs, resulting in an average building price of only 69 euros per handset. This was giving Nokia a dominant position because it was very difficult for Nokia’s rivals to keep up with this cost reduction. However, Nokia’s produces most of its production volume in high-wage countries, leading to considerable extra costs in the manufacturing process. Brand/firm associations Over the years, Nokia has created a strong brand by listening to her customers and understanding customer needs. Nokia is often associated with high quality phones and this isn’t going unnoticed. In 2011, Superbrands, the world’s leading independent arbiter of brands, declared Nokia the leading brand in China. And in 2010, Nokia won the Economic Times award for most trusted brand in India ( Effective marketing campaigns helped creating a strong brand Nokia nowadays is. Customer Satisfaction With sales increasing year by year, Nokia managed to create a large customer base which is expanding every year. Nokia produces a wide range of phones with great differences in price, design and features. Because of this, Nokia can offer products that suits different customers desires and keep every customer satisfied. New product activity Nokia is developing new products year by year. In 2007, Nokia improved her research and development department and introduced some mobile-related services and software. She also went in some partnerships with companies like Vodafone and Orange and integrated its Internet services under one brand, named Ovi. However, Nokia’s is really affected by her competitors bringing innovative products to the market. Products of companies like Apple and Samsung are far ahead of Nokia in some fields, which weakens Nokia’s position in the market. In an industry with a declining growth, it is very hard for Nokia to keep up with these innovations.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Curriculum Landscape In Singapore Education Essay

The course of study landscape in Singapore has been undergoing important alterations late. It has witnessed about 15 old ages of course of study reform, both structural and curricular. Recently, there is a motion toward school based course of study development that can be seen as a effect of the execution of assorted enterprises on instruction launched increasingly since the mid-1990. The first article negotiations about furthering school based course of study development in the context of new educational enterprises in Singapore. The alterations in course of study besides attributed to Singapore ‘s historical context and colonial intercessions. Further enterprises have besides followed by the opportunity to develop and offer new topics in the normal faculty members and normal proficient watercourse. In the context of Singapore, School-Based Curriculum Development ( SBCD ) scope from single instructors accommodating and construing bing course of study, to whole staff working to gether in create course of study with inputs coming from pupils the school direction ( Singapore Ministry of Education, 2000 ) . School-Based Curriculum Development ( SBCD ) viewed course of study development as built-in portion of professional individualities of instructors enables educational establishments to be more antiphonal to the educational demands and involvements of their pupils every bit good as their community. It can besides be disputing for every instructors because the result does non ever face with the involvements and demands of school or pupil communities. School-based course of study development has concrete procedures, rules and patterns abreast with the current context for Singapore, and the chances and benefits it presents for school development procedure ( Marsh, 2000 ) . The 2nd article tackles tensenesss in an Ability-driven instruction. Ability-driven instruction can be achieved with greater diverseness and pick in the educational landscape ; and the greater liberty and invention at the school degree. Harmonizing to the article, instructors are being exalted to learn less, larn more so as to promote their pupils to larn more actively and independently. Ability-driven instruction has given accent by the MOE to implement the diverseness and pick in the educational landscape and promote schools to travel towards invention. Ability-driven instruction situates within the decentralized model in Singapore which strengthen democracy by conveying the decision-making procedure closer to schools, instructors and pupils. Under the model, the school direction is given more power in determination devising that the instructors and pupils. It besides promotes school based development, rationalisation, efficiency and invention by supplying a assortment of instructi on chances and picks to pupils. Tensions in Ability-Driven Education ( ADE ) includes four major constituents ; diverseness versus conformance which is the move towards greater diverseness of types of schools and educational plan balanced by uniformity and standardisation, the 2nd is autonomy versus control which policy enterprises are introduced but execution and answerability are left as local responsibilities, thirdly, the tenseness between invention and conservativism which school leaders have to take enterprises to be a function theoretical account of invention while bring forthing good academic consequences in an scrutiny driven environment and in conclusion, equity and elitism which straight hit the ADE for back uping rule of meritocracy where every endowment and abilities of kid is recognized. These inclinations are possibly for school leaders to exert their liberty by puting in countries that promise the greatest mensurable return like pulling gifted pupils to fall in the school activities ( Singapore Mini stry of Education, 2000 ) . The two articles summarized the update on educational enterprises in Singapore. The intent of these documents is to supply province and local pedagogues with complete information and apprehension of the steps used in modern-day challenges in acquisition and instructors issues-their restrictions, strengths and current usage in Torahs, policies and patterns. The documents clearly show a critical nexus between effectual learning method and pupils ‘ academic accomplishment. Many surveies point to outcomes that show that methods of acquisition and course of study development contribute more to their pupils ‘ academic growing and can consistently explicate the considerable fluctuation in instructors ‘ accomplishments for advancing pupil larning. Pinpointing the method and course of study leads to certain issues that have a greater impact on pupil public presentation is a affair of great urgency in the state that struggles with educating all the kids every bit. The primary in these documents focused on the issues and challenges in the development of curricular enterprises and modern-day acquisition against tensenesss, hinderances and national criterions. It besides provides persons with worthwhile information sing the standard makings of schools, instructors and pupils in run intoing their educational and preparation demands. The documents set some illustrations on a believable manner for the establishments, spouse organisations and the wider community by lending thoughts to valid, dependable, operable, just and just judgements through different surveies and researches administered through pen and paper scrutinies, unwritten inquiring, practical trials, computing machine assisted trials, or any other agencies ( Marsh, 2000 ) .( B ) Presents a critical analysis of the position ( s )In recent old ages, educational development has received a batch of attending from school leader, instructors, pupils, and parents in how schools remain accountab le for pupil accomplishment. The present push in acquisition is to develop independent and autonomous scholars. This is true non merely to basic topics but to other survey as good. Thus, whereas course of study development and ego directed learning emphasiss task-based methodological analysis that calls for the scholars to get acquisition by developing their ain resources and larning penchants, underscore constructivism that emphasizes the active and constructive function of instructors and scholars in the acquisition procedure ( Marsh, 2000 ) . To turn to this issues and challenges, the school leaders and instructors should seek to update the course of study and method of determination devising and acquisition processs. The documents discussed all about course of study development and educational issues and challenges in larning but they besides need to find the factors and elements necessary to formalize the importance and effectivity of these processs in larning procedure. Its chief involvement is to happen out the effectual manner of effectual determination devising and learning procedure. This undertaking is referred to as pieces of schoolroom work which involved the school leaders, instructors and pupils in comprehending, manipulating, bring forthing or interacting in the mark objectives where attending is chiefly focused on intending instead than on signifier ( Rudduck, 1987 ) . The paper besides presented the turning involvement in better understanding what constitutes effectual course of study in learning pattern, coupled with its power to leverage educational betterment that presents a challenge and chance for policymakers to turn to how to expeditiously and faithfully step instructor public presentation. The function of course of study development and autonomous acquisition must come up as a good utilised resource that might keep promise as a tool to advance school leaders ‘ ability, teacher professional growing and pupils ‘ effectivity in the acquisition ( Sheingold, 2000 ) . In this paper, School-based course of study development ( SBCD ) has an intended aim in current reform in instruction in Singapore brought different issues and challenges to educational patterns at assorted school degrees. While confronting the freshly reform demand on Curriculum Guidelines and execution of the school-based course of study development thought, the development must be an pressing demand for schools. It is necessary to measure the policy and issue options sing development of school-based course of study. It besides examines the system ‘ in educational and professional preparedness and assurance in developing independent school course of study. Based on the analysis of informations collected, these documents presents initial findings and premises and jobs embedded in the recent development in school-based course of study in Singapore. Additionally, the 2nd paper has the chief aim of understanding the challenges and issues sing Ability-driven instruction ( ADE ) th at provides more chances and tracts for pupils in Singapore to promote and leverage pupils in remaining in school for work force readying. But this paper lacks on the some chief points such as methods on how ADE are efficaciously implemented on the land. It simply discussed and addressed different tensenesss and outlooks played by different functions played by the school leaders, instructors and pupils. In this circumstance, societal organisations and community are needed critically to work with these invention, enterprises and pupils to put realistic educational marks with an aim of raising outlooks. It should besides supply a clearer sight of the available tracts that can leverage them on accomplishing higher educational excellence ( Monteith, 2004 ) . This might besides steer school leaders and community in their determination – devising. These subjects suggests inventions and issues including challenges that will be utile for school leaders, instructors, policy shapers, and other stakeholders in instruction who wish to derive a deeper apprehension of the rules and procedures of acquisition, and set these into pattern. Such a clime promotes diverseness and invention, and furthering uniformity and conservativism as school prefer to introduce from what has worked in the yesteryear ( Elmore, 2004 ) . It is deserving analyzing subject. It would be fruitful for the school leaders and instructors every bit good as for pupils. This article is important as the consequences of this survey are applicable to the promotion of the construct of educational reform in different manners of learning based on the policy and current tendencies and provides extra information for understanding the course of study development and appraisal.SuggestsA ways in which the key issues present new thought, chances and challenges to the Singapore school course of study. PleaseA appendA the articles to your critique paper.The deduction of these recommendations is that the readers would be able to measure and place ways in which the key issues present new thought, chances and challenges to the Singapore school course of study and to better the acquisition procedure in general. It will profit the instruction through effectual acquisition and evaluating procedures. Classroom-based rating and appraisal can be really effectual in mensurating how a scholar responds to the new thought, chances and educational ends. When making determinations about larning procedure, the school leaders and teacher must take into consideration on how these variables would impact the procedure scholars take in to learning. In research by Fallows & A ; Bhanot ( 2005 ) they reiterated a cardinal determination on the significance of educational patterns that most scholars can take to take either different attack to their thought and acquisition. A instructor can be one of the most indispensable influences on which attack they take. If these undertakings will be successful, they will ease pupils to travel beyond memorisation and acquisition. Similarly, if a undertaking of course of study emphasizes the apprehension of standard rules, so higher attacks to larn can be achieved The school-based course of study development presented in the article must obtained important information to pedagogues based on researches and surveies to help them in their instruction and learning duty. It is knowing for the instructors and school leaders that they should larn every bit much as possible about larning methods and patterns so as to find their public presentation and effectivity as pedagogues. It should supply valuable information to pupils particularly they would be able to obtain information about what is larning manners they utilized in the schoolroom and how each course of study larning procedure affects their satisfaction. Teachers should besides understand what are the pupil ‘s demands and which assessment process best satisfy the demands of pupils. The applications of these inventions and methods provide a really interesting position from which the acquisition procedure can be better understood. It presents a profound, new manner of looking at learning a nd larning – 1 that is at the head of progressive educational thought ( Rudduck, 1987 ) . Furthermore, one of the most dramatic alterations in the last decennaries in the universe of instructions has been the unbelievable progress in engineering. Increased public presentation and velocity have been matched by worsening costs, therefore enabling more and more schools to hold entree to these new engineerings ( Goodland, 1994 ) . With the addition in entree to these new engineerings, pedagogues must hold had chances to research different ways of believing to learn and design direction through facilitation of new course of study development and larning methods ( Elmore, 2004 ) . Bettering and progressing the quality of instruction and acquisition is one of the tendencies and critical issues in educational scenes, particularly during the enlargement of instruction. Singapore ‘s course of study must hold a really powerful and effectual tool for spread outing chances in instruction, either non-formal or formal. It besides applicable to antecedently populations in rural cou ntries and scattered constituencies, geopolitical, cultural or cultural groups which are excluded traditionally from instruction because of societal or cultural grounds such as, adult females and misss, cultural minorities, disabled individual, and the older population groups ( Monteith, 2004 ) .

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Enzyme Action Testing Catalase Activity essays

Enzyme Action Testing Catalase Activity essays Enzyme Action: Testing Catalase Activity Enzymes are proteins that serve as catalysts and accelerate chemical reactions in living organisms. Enzymes accomplish this by lowering the energy of activation of the organism it is acting upon, however enzymes will only lower the energy of activation for specific organisms, reducing chaotic chemical reactions. The reaction is carried out in its entirety in the active site of the enzyme. The substrate (organism acted upon), binds itself into the active site, of the enzyme, and the chemical process begins. The enzymes active site will reform itself for the substrate in order to form a perfect bond, this is called induced fit. This is only one of the changes that could occur to accommodate the substrate. For example, the enzyme might change the pH levels to promote the reaction. There are numerous factors that can affect the rate of the chemical changes, four have the greatest affect. They are the concentration of the enzyme, the temperature, the pH level, and the salt concentration. The higher the concentration of the enzyme the faster the rate of change there is upon the organism. The temperature affects the rate in this way; each enzyme has a specific temperature in which it functions at an optimum rate, too low of a temperature, the enzyme will not function at all. However too high of a temperature produces the same results. Third, the pH level will affect the rate, H+ and OH- ions can cause the organism to change shape and become deformed, denature, and cause abnormal functionality. Finally, salt concentration will affect the rate of chemical change because the inorganic ions in salts will interfere with ionic bonds in protein molecules. There are very few factors that influence the function of the enzyme. Some enzymes require cofactors, substances that assist the chemical reaction. Chemical inhibitors can inhibit the enzymes functionality (1) by atta...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture Essay Example

Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture Essay Example Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture Paper Understanding and Developing Organizational Culture Paper The IT nits may be distributed according to business donation, geographic location, or both. All or any of the IT functions may be distributed. The degree to which they are distributed will vary depending upon the philosophy and objectives to the organizations management. 4. What are the advantages and disadvantages of distributed data processing? Response: The advantages of EDP are: a. Cost reductions b. Improved cost control responsibility C. Improved user satisfaction d. Back up flexibility. The disadvantages (risks) are: a. Inefficient use Of resources b. Destruction of audit trails c. Inadequate segregation of duties . Difficulty acquiring qualified professionals e. Lack of standards 5. What types of tasks become redundant in a distributed data processing system? Response: Autonomous systems development initiatives distributed throughout the firm can result in each user area reinventing the Wheel rather than benefiting trot the work to others. For example, application programs created by one user, which could be used with little or no change by others, will be redesigned from scratch rather than shared. Likewise, data common to many users may be recreated for each, resulting in a high level of data redundancy. This situation has implications for data accuracy and consistency. 6. Explain Why certain duties that are deemed incompatible in a manual system may be combined in a CBS computer-based information system environment. Give an example. Response: The IT (CBS) environment tends to consolidate activities. A single application may authorize, process, and record all aspects Of a transaction. Thus, the focus of segregation control shifts from the operational level (transaction processing tasks that computers now perform) to higher. Level organizational relationships within the computer services function. 7. What are the three primary CBS functions that must be separated? Response: The three primary CBS functions that must be separated are as follows: a. Separate systems development from computer operations, b. Separate the database administrator from other functions , and c. Operate new systems development from maintenance. 8. What exposures do data consolidation in a CSS environment pose? Response: In a CBS environment, data consolidation exposes the data to losses from natural and man-made disasters. Consolidation creates a single point of failure. Â  The only way to back up a central computer site against disasters is to roved a second computer facility. 9. What problems may occur as a result of combining applications programming and maintenance tasks into one position? Response: One problem that may occur is inadequate documentation. Documenting is not considered as interesting a task as designing testing, and implementing a new system, thus a systems professional may move on to a new project rather than spend time documenting an almost complete project. Job security may be another reason a programmer may not fully document his or her work. Another problem that may occur is the increased potential for program raid. Fifth original programmer generates fraudulent code during development, then this programmer, through maintenance procedures, may disable the code prior to audits. Thus, the programmer can continue to cover his or her tracks. 10. Why is poor-quality systems documentation a prevalent problem? Response: Poor-quality systems documentation is a chronic IT problem and a significant challenge for many organizations seeking SOX compliance. At least two explanations are possible for this phenomenon. First, documenting systems is not as interesting as designing, testing, and implementing them. Systems repossession much prefer to move on to an exciting new project rather than document one just complete The second possible reason for poor documentation is job security. When a system is poorly documented, it is difficult to interpret, test, and debug. Therefore, the programmer who understands the system (the one who coded it) maintains bargaining power and becomes relatively indispensable. When the programmer leaves the firm, however, a new programmer inherits maintenance responsibility for the undocumented system. Depending on its complexity, the transition period may be long and costly. 11. What is RAID? Response: RAID (redundant arrays of independent disks) use parallel disks that contain redundant elements of data and applications. If one disk fails, the lost data are automatically reconstructed from the redundant components stored on the other disks. 2. What is the role off data librarian? Response: A data librarian, who is responsible for the receipt, storage, retrieval, and custody to data tiles, controls access to the data library. The librarian issues data files to computer operators in accordance with program requests and takes custody files when processing or backup procedures are completed. The trend in recent years toward real-time processing and the increased use of direct- access files has reduced or even eliminated the role of the data librarian in many organizations, 13. What is the role off corporate computer services department? How does this differ from other configurations? Response: The role Of a corporate computer services department (IT function) differs in that it is not a completely centralized model: rather, the group plays the role Of provider Of technical advice and expertise to distributed computer services. Tours, it provides much more support than would be received in a impolitely distributed model. A corporate computer services department provides a means for central testing of commercial hardware and software in an efficient manner. Further, the corporate group can provide users with services such as installation of new software and troubleshooting hardware and software problems. The corporate group can establish systems development, programming, and documentation standards, The corporate group can aid the user groups in evaluating the technical credentials of prospective systems professionals, 14, What are the five risks associated with distributed data processing? Response: The Five risks associated with distributed data processing are as a. Inefficient use of resources, destruction of audit trails, c. Inadequate segregation of duties, potential inability to hire qualified professionals, and e. Lack of standards. IS List the control features that directly contribute to the security of the computer center environment. A. Physical location controls b. Construction controls c. Access controls d. Air conditioning e. Fire suppression f. Fault tolerance 16. What is data conversion? Response: The data conversion function transcribes transaction data from paper source documents into computer input. For example, data conversion could be keying sales orders into a sales order application in modern systems or transcribing data into magnetic media (tape or disk) suitable for computer processing in legacy-type systems. 17, What may be contained in the data library? Response: The data library is a room adjacent to the computer center that provides safe storage for the off-line data files, Those files could be backups or current data files. For instance, the data library could store backups on DVDs, CD-Rooms, tapes, or other storage devices, It could also store live, current data lies on magnetic tapes and removable disk packs. In addition, the data library could store the original copies of commercial soft. are and their licenses for safekeeping. 18. What is an ORG Response: A recovery operations center (ROCK) or hot site is a fully equipped backup data center that many companies share. In addition to hardware and backup facilities, ROCK service providers Offer a range of technical services to their clients, who pay an annual fee for access rights. In the event of a major disaster, a subscriber can occupy the premises and, within a few hours, resume processing critical applications. , What is a cold site? The empty shell or cold site plan is an arrangement wherein the company buys or leases a building that will serve as a data center. In the event of a disaster, the shell is available and ready to receive whatever hardware the temporary user requires to run its essential data processing systems. 20. What is fault tolerance? Response: Fault tolerance is the ability of the system to continue operation when part of the system fails due to hardware failure, application program error, or operator error. Implementing fault tolerance control ensures that no single mint of potential system failure exists Total failure can occur only in the event of the failure of multiple components, or system-wide failure. 21. What are the often-cited benefits of IT outsourcing? Response: Often-cited benefits Of IT outsourcing include improved core business performance, improved IT performance (because of the vendors expertise), and reduced IT costs. 22. Define commodity IT asset. Response: Commodity IT assets are those assets that are not unique to a particular organization and are thus easily acquired in the marketplace. These include such things are nonvoter management, systems operations, server maintenance, and help-desk functions. 23. Define specific asset. Response: Specific assets, in contrast to commodity assets, are unique to the organization and support its strategic objectives. Because of their idiosyncratic nature, specific assets have little value outside of their current use. 24, List five risks associated with IT outsourcing. A. Failure to perform b. Vendor exploitation c. Outsourcing costs exceed benefits d. Reduced security e. Loss Of strategic advantage Discussion Questions 1. How is pre-SOX IT governance different from post-SOX IT governance? Response: Prior to SOX, the common practice regarding IT investments was to defer all decisions to corporate IT professionals. Modern IT governance, however, follows the philosophy that all corporate stakeholders, including boards of directors, top management, and department users (i. E. Accounting and finance) be active participants in key IT decisions. Such broad-based involvement reduces risk and increases the likelihood that IT decisions will be in compliance with user needs, corporate policies, strategic initiatives, and internal control requirements under SOX. . Although IT governance is a broad area, only three aspects of IT governance are discussed in the chapter. Name them and explain why these topics were chosen. Response: Although all IT governance issues are important to the organization, not all of them are matters of internal control under SOX that may potentially impact the financial reporting process. This chapter examined three IT governance issues that are addressed by SOX and the COOS internal control framework. These are: a. Organizational structure of the IT function, b. Computer center operations, and Disaster recovery planning. 3. What types of incompatible activities are prone to becoming consolidated in a distributed data processing system? HOW can this be prevented? Response: Achieving an adequate segregation of duties may not be possible in some distributed environments. The distribution of the IT services to users may result in the creation of small independent units that do not permit the desired separation of incompatible functions. For example, within a single unit the same person may write application programs, perform program maintenance, enter transaction data into the computer, and operate the computer equipment. Such a situation would be a fundamental violation of internal control. 4. Why would an operational manager be willing to take on more work in the tort of supervising an information system? Response: Managers are responsible for the success of their divisions, If the benefits to be reaped from a EDP are expected to be great enough, the manager may find it is worth her or his while to expend the extra effort, Some of the benefits the manager may hope will materialize within the divisions are more efficiently run operations, better decision making, and reduced processing costs. Increased customer satisfaction may also result if the DOPE system is more accommodating. 5. HOW can data be centralized in a distributed data processing system? Response: The data is stored centrally, but updated or processed at the local (remote) site. Thus, data is retrieved from the centralized data store, processed locally, and then sent back to the centralized data store. 6. Should standards be centralized in a distributed data processing environment? Explain. Response: The relatively poor control environment imposed by the EDP model can be improved by establishing some central guidance. The corporate group can contribute to this goal by establishing and distributing to user areas appropriate standards for systems development, programming, and documentation. 7. How can human behavior be considered one of the biggest potential threats to operating system integrity? Response: The purpose of segregation of duties is to deal with the potential negative aspects of human behavior including errors and fraud. The relationship between systems development (both new systems development and maintenance) and computer operations activities poses a potential risk that can circumvent operating system integrity. These functions are inherently incompatible. With detailed knowledge of application logic and control parameters and access to the computers operating system and utilities, an individual could make unauthorized changes to the application during its execution. 8. A bank in California has thirteen branches spread throughout northern California, each With its own minicomputer where its data are stored. Another bank has 10 branches spread throughout California, with its data stored on a mainframe in San Francisco. Which system do you think is more vulnerable to unauthorized access? Excessive losses from disaster? Response: The bank that has the data for all of its branches stored on one mainframe computer is at greater risk of access control. All of the firms records are centrally housed. Once a perpetrator gains unauthorized access to the system, the data for all 10 branches are at risk, For the other bank the perpetrator would have to breach security for each of the thirteen branch computers. Thus, the bank with all of data centrally stored on a mainframe is more vulnerable to access control. The primary disasters of concern in California are earthquakes and fires. The bank with a central mainframe in San Francisco is robbery at the greatest risk of damage from both earthquakes and fires. If that system is destroyed, all of the branches lose their processing capability and, possibly, stored data. 9. End-user computing has become extremely popular in distributed data processing organizations. The end users like it because they feel they can more readily design and implement their own applications. Does this type of environment always foster more efficient development Of applications? Explain your answer. Response: Distributed data processing if not properly managed, may result in duplication of efforts. Two or more individual end users may develop similar applications While completely unaware Of each Others efforts. Such duplication is an inefficient use of human resources. 10. Compare and contrast the following disaster recovery options: mutual aid pact, empty shell, recovery operations center, and internally provided backup. Rank them from most risky to least risky, as well as from most costly to least costly. Response: A mutual aid pact requires two or more organizations to agree to and trust each other to aid the other with data processing needs in the event of a disaster. This method is the lowest cost, but also somewhat risky. First, the host company must be trusted to scale back its own processing in order to process the transactions of the disaster-stricken company, Second, the firms must not be affected by the same disaster, or the plan fails. The next lowest cost method is internally provided backup. With this method, organizations with multiple data processing centers may invest in internal excess capacity and support themselves in the case of disaster in one data processing center. This method is not as risky as the mutual aid pact because reliance on another organization is to a factor. In terms of cost, the next highest method is the empty shell where two or more organizations buy or lease space for a data processing center. The space is made ready for computer installation; however, no computer equipment is installed. This method requires lease or mortgage payments as well as payment for air conditioning and raised floors. The risk in this method is that the hardware, software, and technicians may be difficult, if not impossible, to have available in the case Of a natural disaster. Further, if multiple members systems crash simultaneously, an allocation problem exists. The method with lowest risk and also the highest cost is the recovery operations center. This method takes the empty shell concept one step further-?the computer equipment is actually purchased and software may even be installed. Assuming that this site is far enough away from the disaster-stricken area not to be affected by the disaster, this method can be a very good safeguard. 1 1. Who should determine and prioritize the critical applications? How is this done? How frequently is it done? Response: The critical applications should be identified and prioritize by the seer departments, accountants, and auditors, The applications should be prioritize based upon the impact on the short-run survival of the firm. The frequency with which the priorities need to be assessed depends upon the amount and kinds of changes that are made to systems over time. Firms that make changes frequently should reassess priorities frequently. 12. Why is it easier for programmers to perpetrate a fraud than operators? Response: It is much easier for programmers to perpetrate a fraud because they know the code. They know how to get around Some, or most, Of the embedded controls. Better yet, some programmers deliberately program code that gets them around controls and allows them to commit fraud. 13. Why should an organization centralize the acquisition, testing, and implementation of software and hardware within the corporate IT function? Response: The corporate IT group is better able to evaluate the merits of competing vendor software and hardware. A central, technically astute group such as this can evaluate systems features, controls, and compatibility with industry and organizational standards most efficiently. Test results can then be strutted to user areas as standards for guiding acquisition decisions. 14 Organizations sometimes locate their computer centers in the basement of their buildings to avoid normal traffic flows, Comment on this practice. Response: Locating the computer center in the basement to a building can create an exposure to disaster risk such as floods. The Chicago Board of Trade computer centers systems were located in the basement of a multi-storied office building in Chicago. When the century-old water pipelines burst, part of the first floor and the entire basement flooded. Trade was suspended for several days until system functionality could be restored, causing the loss of millions of dollars. This disaster would have been prevented if the computer center had simply been located on the top floor-?still away from normal traffic flows, but also away from the risk of flood. 15. The 2003 blackout that affected the U. S. Northeast caused numerous computer failures. What Can an organization do to protect itself from such uncontrollable power failures? Response: The decision regarding power controls can be an expensive one and usually requires the advice and analysis of experts. The following, however, are options that can be employed. Voltage regulators and surge protectors provide regulated electricity. Related to the level of electricity (frequency), and clean electricity, related to spikes and other potential hazards. Power outages and brownouts can generally be controlled with a battery backup (known as an uninterruptible power supply). 16. Discuss potential problem with ROCs. Response: Because of the heavy investment involved, ROCS are typically shared among many companies. The firms either buy shares in or become subscribers to the ROCK, paying monthly fees for rights to its use, That situation does provide mom risk because a widespread natural disaster may affect numerous entities in the same general geographic area, If multiple entities share the same ROCK, some firm or firms will end up queued in a waiting line. 17. Discuss two potential problems associated with a cold site. A. Recovery depends on the timely availability of the necessary computer hardware to restore the data processing function. Management must obtain assurances from hardware vendors that the vendor will give priority to meeting the organizations needs in the event Of a disaster. An unanticipated hardware apply problem at this critical juncture could be a fatal blow. B. With this approach there is the potential for competition among users for the shell resources, the same as for a hot site. For example, a widespread natural disaster, such as a flood or earthquake, may destroy the data processing capabilities of several shell members located in the same geographic area. Those affected by the disaster would be faced with a second major problem: how to allocate the limited facilities of the shell among them. The situation is analogous to a sinking ship that has an inadequate number of lifeboats. 8. Discuss three techniques used to achieve fault tolerance. A. Redundant arrays of inexpensive (or independent) disks (RAID), There are several types to RAID configurations. Essentially, each method involves the use of parallel disks that contain redundant elements of data and applications. If one disk fails, the lost data are automatically reconstructed from the redundant components stored on the other disks, b. Uninterruptible power supplies. In the event of a power outage, short-term backup power (i. E. , battery power) is provided to allow the system to shut down n a controlled manner. This process will prevent the data loss and corruption that would otherwise result from an uncontrolled system crash, lag. Explain the outsourcing risk of failure to perform Response: Once a client firm has outsourced specific IT assets, its performance becomes linked to the vendors performance. The negative implications Of such dependency are illustrated in the financial problems that have plagued the huge outsourcing vendor Electronic Data Systems Cop. DES). In a cost-cutting effort, DES terminated seven thousand employees, which impacted its ability to serve Other clients. Following an eleven-year low in share prices, DES stockholders filed a class-action lawsuit against the company. Clearly, vendors experiencing such serious financial and legal problems threaten the viability of their clients also. 20. Explain vendor exploitation. Response: Once the client firm has divested itself of specific assets it becomes dependent on the vendor. The vendor may exploit this dependency by raising service rates to an exorbitant level, As the clients IT needs develop over time beyond the original contract terms, it runs the risk that new or incremental revises will be negotiated at a premium, This dependency may threaten the clients long-term flexibility, agility, and competitiveness and result in even greater vendor dependency. 21, Explain why reduced security is an outsourcing risk, Response: Information outsourced to off-shore IT vendors raises unique and serious questions regarding internal control and the protection of sensitive personal data. When corporate financial systems are developed and hosted overseas, and program code is developed through interfaces with the host companys network, US corporations are at risk of losing control of their information. TO a large degree, US firms are reliant on the outsourcing vendors security measures, data-access policies, and the privacy laws of the host country. 22. Explain how IT outsourcing can lead to loss of strategic advantage. Response: Alignment between IT strategy and business strategy requires a close working relationship between corporate management and IT management in the concurrent development of business and IT strategies. This, however, is difficult to accomplish when IT planning is geographically redeployed off-shore or even domestically. Further, since the financial justification for IT outsourcing upends upon the vendor achieving economies of scale, the vendor is naturally driven toward seeking common solutions that may be used by many clients rather than creating unique solutions for each of them, This fundamental underpinning to IT outsourcing is inconsistent with the clients pursuit of strategic advantage in the marketplace, 23, Explain the role of a ASS 70 report in reviewing internal controls.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

America Industrial Revolution

Industrial revolution has been identified as the defining force behind the tremendous economic growth witnessed in the American nation during the 19th and twentieth century (Hudson 56). Thanks to industrial revolution, the American nation improved its ability to conduct mass production both for its domestic needs and surplus for export. Just to be appreciated here is the factor that the sustainable economic development of any nation does not only depend on self-sufficiency but on its ability to conduct international business. Another important aspect of the American industrial revolution is that it led to the formalization of employment, a factor that served to mitigate human exploitation (Collier, and Kevin 21). Â  However, the American industrial revolution is blamed for compromising the sustainable competitive advantage of small scale cortege industries in the nation (Michigan State University). The revolution is also significantly blamed for compromising the cultural identity of the individual American ethnic groups (Hudson 88). This is because it led to increased social intermixing of races as well as cross-race marriages. Still, the revolution is closely attributed to an increase in environmental hazards among American communities (Hudson 91). This paper is written as a discussion on the effects of the American industrial revolution. The author takes a look at both sides of the implications of the revolution to the American people. Effects of industrial revolution to the life of the Americans There are many positive effects of the American industrial revolution to the people of America. According to available historical information, the massive industrial growth in the American nation during the 19th century is the direct result of its current superpower status in the globe. Following the emergence of the industrial revolution, the people of America enjoyed the concept of increased production in the industries, a factor that greatly improved their investment profitability (Collier, and Kevin 21). It is worth noting that the sole purpose of any investor is to ensure maximum profits. Although slaves provided cheap labor for agricultural industries in America, their productivity could not much the modernized agricultural practices that came with the industrial revolution. Another important effect of the American industrial revolution is that it led to the formalization of employment in the nation (Collier, and Kevin 21). Prior to the onset of the industrial revolution, slavery was one of the most commonly employed forms of labor for fueling the economy of America. This was a negation of the human rights since slaves were perceived as a property to their masters rather than human beings who deserved decent treatment. Nevertheless, with the coming of the industrial revolution, there came more effective and reliable machine technologies, a factor which negated the need for forced labor in the industries (Collier, and Kevin 25). This greatly improved the working conditions for the employed people of America. Still on formalization of employment is the creation of new employment opportunities for the American citizens (Michigan State University). The onset of industrial revolution brought with it new jobs for the different professional classes in the American nation. This did not only serve to improve the living standards for some members of the community but also as an encouragement for professionalism among Americans. Also, the revolution is to be thanked for the innovative development of industrial management and leadership principles as well as strategic marketing practices in America (Collier, and Kevin 27). With increased level of productivity, management and industrial leadership principles grew. Such also called for the expansionism process by the American nation in the quest to ensure sustainable market for its surplus products. According to proponents of the industrial revolution, the American industrial revolution brought with it the need for innovative approach to problem solving. It is rightly asserted that necessity is the ultimate mother of invention. Still, it is worth to acknowledge the fact that the process of industrialization has undergone many challenges. Based on this reasoning, the American industrial revolution is praised for the overall improvement of the technological and economic stand of the American nation (Collier, and Kevin 28). As per the available information, America is one of the leading influences in the international industrial product market to date. This gives its citizens a competitive advantage over those of other nations. Also, the extensive industrial revolution that marked America during the 19th and early 20th centuries are to be praised for the power control enjoyed by the nation across the globe (Michigan State University). According to available information, due to the influence of its industrial revolution, the American nation enjoys the competitive advantage of intellectual properties. Just to be underscored here is the fact that intellectual properties are found to promote the economic advantage of a nation. This is because they are protected by the law against use by other persons without providing commercial benefits to the source. Therefore, since the revolution led to establishment of numerous intellectual property rights, it served to protect the social and economic stability of the American people (Hudson 67).

Friday, October 18, 2019

The Jobs Crisis in Easter Europe and Central Asia (2007-2011) and The Assignment

The Jobs Crisis in Easter Europe and Central Asia (2007-2011) and The Informal Labour Market in the Czech Republic(2012) - Assignment Example the recession, can be felt through four transmission channels, namely the financial markets, product markets, labour markets and government services. This report of World Bank particularly focuses on labour markets and the government services. The findings of the report clearly point out that the factor which can be attributed for the major decline of household welfare is the loss of jobs in labour markets. This period had witnessed major job cuts in most of the industries (more in construction and manufacturing), which had directly impacted the households. The youth unemployment had also reached record high in this period. The biggest disadvantage was, perhaps, long-term unemployment in the labor market. The workers, who could save their jobs, had also experienced a contraction in their real wages as most companies started to cut back on the paychecks. The households began to cope by reducing their expenditure and increasing their labour supply to earn more. The reduction in expenditure was felt most in sectors of healthcare and food. The governments in most of the countries were aware of the plight of people in the economy and the government launched social assistance programs to help the poor of the country. However, the results of these were not immediately felt because of the bottlenecks that had existed in various sectors during that period. Therefore, there were delays in response of the programs to improve the plight of the poor (Ajwad, n.d.). The report had applied the concept of GDP to measure the reduction in economic growth of the country and its consequent effect on the labour market. GDP measures the total income earned domestically, including the income earned by foreign factors of production, whereas GNP measures the income earned by all residents of the nation, including factors of production from abroad (Lochner, 2013). GDP was used as it captured the economic performance of the geographic region that is under study. If residents of the country

Service Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Service Management - Essay Example Nevertheless, there are numerous challenges experienced by the company and very often their customers are looking for services from other container-based shipping industry companies. In order to become a competitive rivalry for other shipping companies, COSCO is focused on service strategy improvement. China positions itself as the largest international company, providing with their services 75% of international cargo volume. COSCO in XXI century â€Å"will focus on providing differentiated and value-added services to acquire long-term contracts and life-long customers. As alliances and mergers have become a major part of the international shipping industry, we (COSCO) will co-operate closely with our partners. We aim to be a world-class global shipping service provider, in the near future, with high efficiency and high quality service† (China Cosco Holdings Confident on Recovery in Container Rates, 2010). Therefore, COSCO positions it as the world’s leading shipping in dustry company, which is able to provide its customer with efficient, high quality services. The Company contributes much for financial and technological development of the company. Thus, it should be noted that COSCO is concerned about improvements of infrastructure of the Company, development of strategies, which refer to the modern needs of the international society and the newest tendencies in the shipping industry. Starting from 2002 the country is able to offer to the clients â€Å"a comprehensive package of ocean shipping services with fleets covering a wider range from traditional bulk tonnages to more value-added ones such as post-panamax container vessel, heavy-lift ship, LNG carrier and so on† (China COSCO 2010). Value-added services and life-long customers are of great importance for COSCO. The main challenge for the company occurs, when potential clients find out that to reach Shanghai from Chongqing takes about 900 miles. Thus, shipping goods from Chongqing to S hanghai takes too much time. The Company tries to deal with this problem in spite of the fact that rail system of China is fragmented. Moreover, potential international clients are scared off by challenging import-export documentation: it takes too much time at the customs. Licensing and trade challenges in China can be facilitated by WTO. Thus, service challenge should be solved within the company and nationally. To repair roads in the country and improve roads in the ports is on behalf of the Chinese government. COSCO should work hard in order investors wanted to support the Company. â€Å"Green protectionism policy† is of high relevance in the world. Therefore, COSCO is focused on environmentally friendly shipping services. Potential clients are interested in COSCO’s post-crisis measures, because sub-prime crisis special study team in COSCO enabled the Company to recover as soon as possible. An innovation of the Company, such as tariff decrease for ASEAN countries f rom 9.8 percent to 0.1 percent is rather attractive for the international partners (China, Korea Aid for Shipping Industry May Prolong Rates Slump, 2009). Out of 4 million of TEUs globally, many countries are estranged from container-based shipping services. COSCO and its subsidiaries have more than 120 ports in 40 countries. The sustainability of the Company is provided by logistics. There is a shift from passive service to active service. Starting from 2010 the Company implements TCSS, system, which considers customer’

Managing health and safety at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managing health and safety at work - Essay Example The second piece of legislation ‘The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’ whose main requirement is that employers ought to carry out risk assessments to eliminate or reduce risks. Those who employ five or more people should record the significant findings of a risk assessment. It is however not a requirement that insignificant risks should be recorded. Section 2 of The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 places a duty on employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees. This should be done as far as is reasonably practicable. Employers are also required to consult with safety representatives from trade unions on matters to do with health and safety in the place of work. Employers who have more than five employees are required to have a written health and safety policy which should be brought to that attention of the employees. This section places a burden upon the manager not only to prepare a health and safety policy but it is clear that it is to be brought to the attention of the employees and it is trite that employees should know its contents. Consultations with trade union representatives are also mandatory. Section 4 places a duty on any person who is responsible for the place of work to make sure that the work premises, plant and machinery do not pose any danger the people who use the same. As a manager, one is required to ensure that the plant and machinery are properly maintained and thus when they are put to use, whoever is using them cannot be exposed to any harm while performing his or her responsibilities. The section could also require that the manager ensure that the employees are properly dressed and observe the laid down safety regulations at the work place (Stuhlmacher & Douglas, 2001). A competent person in the context of health and safety is one who has gone through some formal training and in addition has experience working with other people in a health and safety position. Such a person has a good grasp of safety systems of work and is able to carry out safety audits. A competent person will be able to recognize and control hazards, write risk assessments and maintain records. A competent person will be able to deal in an effective manner with the management as well as other members of staff in matters to do with safety in and out of the place of work. Such a person should be acquainted with information about the latest legislation which pertains to health and safety. A competent person would also be the one who passes such information to his employer and also to his fellow employees without any undue delays and does it in a good manner. Maintain a good knowledge of the latest legislation covering health and safety and pass that on to employees and their employer. A competent person should also have record over a period of time of successfully carrying out their Health and Safety responsibilities. This encompasses their actions in response to such situations and also expectation and discernment of potential threats and taking quick measure steps to forestall the occurrence any problem. For one to be competent they should also know what their limitations are and thus deal with those situations they can handle otherwise they should alert more competent authorities. One of the ways

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Ford Motor Company and Mitsubishi Motor Corporation Essay

Ford Motor Company and Mitsubishi Motor Corporation - Essay Example More and more consumers are buying automobiles and development of better infrastructure in terms of road networks has yielded more usage of automobiles by the consumers. Ford has a market share of 18% in the global market whereas Mitsubishi Motors has a market share of around 1 to 2%. There is a lot of competition in the automobile market with big giants of US car manufacturers, Japan car manufacturers and European car manufacturers across the world. The other competitors include Chrysler, General Motors Corporation, Toyota Motors, Nissan, Honda, Mercedes, and BMW. To answer my question I've used variety or research methods: Primary research methods and Secondary research methods. Primary research involves obtaining original data directly about the product and market. Primary research data is data that does not exist before, this data is accumulated to answer specific question. I used this research method because it provides the actual date directly from the market and analysis or this data can give accurate results. Secondary research methods include gathering data that has already been produced from relevant sources. Less effort is required in gathering this information and hence more concentration can be done on analyzing this information. The results from research are attached as Appendix-A Ford Motor Company holds a competitive edge over Mitsubishi Motors as it has captured a market share of 18% world wide as appose to Mitsubishi Motors 1.5% only. Other than North America, Ford Motor Company sales are higher and are steadily growing. Mitsubishi Motors apart from Russian markets has failed to capture any significant sales. Ford Motor Company has shown profit for the third consecutive year amounting to $2 billion or 1.04 per share giving rich dividend to the investors and gaining trust of investors thereby hoping to get more investments in the next year. Mitsubishi motors trying to survive have suffered an operating loss of 13.8 Billion yen for the first quarter of 2005 alone. Significant root cause being the loss of revenue due to fewer sales in North American markets. Ford Motors Company had a Sales Revenue of $178.1 Billion in 2005 as appose to $171.7 billion in 2004 significantly indicating the increase in the sales world wide. Mitsubishi motors had generated Sales revenue of 485.8 billion yen, down 71.8 billion yen from the same period last year (557.6 billion yen), indicating a downward trend in the sales of Mitsubishi vehicles world wide. Questionnaires and interviews with the different people have yielded a sure case of popularity of Ford brand names as oppose to the Mitsubishi brand names. Mitsubishi has one

Speech analyses essay Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Speech analyses essay - Research Paper Example Most of the people who participated in the Challenge and donations are from Boston. That is why it is more effective to deliver the speech at Boston in front of a ‘familiar’ audience which makes Nancy comfortable. Attention getter- The attention getter Nancy uses the question â€Å"How many of you took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?† This seems obvious and rhetorical, presumably a majority of the people in the audience had participated in the Challenge. As you can see from the reaction of the audience, they barely react to Nancy’s question. Nancy uses a non- verbal cue (by clamping) in order to ‘warm up’ the audience before she begins her speech. Revelation of topic- The revelation of topic is the flashback family story that Nancy gives her audience. A flashback to the summer of 2011, Nancy carefully narrates and reveals a powerful family story leading to Pete’s diagnosis and inspiration behind her family taking the initiative to create awareness about ALS. Statement of Credibility- The statement of credibility is ‘the mom who started the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’. Since Nancy is Pete’s mom and she is heavily involved in the fund raising and ALS awareness initiative, she is credible enough to give the speech. Nancy Frates and her entire extended family are taking great lengths to create awareness about ALS and get philanthropist like Bill Gates on board. Since Nancy was at the forefront of this initiative, definitely makes her credible. Statement of central idea- The central idea in the introduction of Nancy Frates speech is that very little progress has been done to get a treatment for ALS. The idea behind ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is to help raise funds that can be used to conduct research and clinical trials of drugs that can cure or treat ALS. Nancy’s family and ALS managed to raise enough funds that will help ALSTDI in Cambridge Massachusetts to come with an ALS trial drug in 2 months.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managing health and safety at work Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Managing health and safety at work - Essay Example The second piece of legislation ‘The Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999’ whose main requirement is that employers ought to carry out risk assessments to eliminate or reduce risks. Those who employ five or more people should record the significant findings of a risk assessment. It is however not a requirement that insignificant risks should be recorded. Section 2 of The Health and Safety at Work Act, 1974 places a duty on employers to ensure the health, safety and welfare of employees. This should be done as far as is reasonably practicable. Employers are also required to consult with safety representatives from trade unions on matters to do with health and safety in the place of work. Employers who have more than five employees are required to have a written health and safety policy which should be brought to that attention of the employees. This section places a burden upon the manager not only to prepare a health and safety policy but it is clear that it is to be brought to the attention of the employees and it is trite that employees should know its contents. Consultations with trade union representatives are also mandatory. Section 4 places a duty on any person who is responsible for the place of work to make sure that the work premises, plant and machinery do not pose any danger the people who use the same. As a manager, one is required to ensure that the plant and machinery are properly maintained and thus when they are put to use, whoever is using them cannot be exposed to any harm while performing his or her responsibilities. The section could also require that the manager ensure that the employees are properly dressed and observe the laid down safety regulations at the work place (Stuhlmacher & Douglas, 2001). A competent person in the context of health and safety is one who has gone through some formal training and in addition has experience working with other people in a health and safety position. Such a person has a good grasp of safety systems of work and is able to carry out safety audits. A competent person will be able to recognize and control hazards, write risk assessments and maintain records. A competent person will be able to deal in an effective manner with the management as well as other members of staff in matters to do with safety in and out of the place of work. Such a person should be acquainted with information about the latest legislation which pertains to health and safety. A competent person would also be the one who passes such information to his employer and also to his fellow employees without any undue delays and does it in a good manner. Maintain a good knowledge of the latest legislation covering health and safety and pass that on to employees and their employer. A competent person should also have record over a period of time of successfully carrying out their Health and Safety responsibilities. This encompasses their actions in response to such situations and also expectation and discernment of potential threats and taking quick measure steps to forestall the occurrence any problem. For one to be competent they should also know what their limitations are and thus deal with those situations they can handle otherwise they should alert more competent authorities. One of the ways

Speech analyses essay Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Speech analyses essay - Research Paper Example Most of the people who participated in the Challenge and donations are from Boston. That is why it is more effective to deliver the speech at Boston in front of a ‘familiar’ audience which makes Nancy comfortable. Attention getter- The attention getter Nancy uses the question â€Å"How many of you took the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge?† This seems obvious and rhetorical, presumably a majority of the people in the audience had participated in the Challenge. As you can see from the reaction of the audience, they barely react to Nancy’s question. Nancy uses a non- verbal cue (by clamping) in order to ‘warm up’ the audience before she begins her speech. Revelation of topic- The revelation of topic is the flashback family story that Nancy gives her audience. A flashback to the summer of 2011, Nancy carefully narrates and reveals a powerful family story leading to Pete’s diagnosis and inspiration behind her family taking the initiative to create awareness about ALS. Statement of Credibility- The statement of credibility is ‘the mom who started the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge’. Since Nancy is Pete’s mom and she is heavily involved in the fund raising and ALS awareness initiative, she is credible enough to give the speech. Nancy Frates and her entire extended family are taking great lengths to create awareness about ALS and get philanthropist like Bill Gates on board. Since Nancy was at the forefront of this initiative, definitely makes her credible. Statement of central idea- The central idea in the introduction of Nancy Frates speech is that very little progress has been done to get a treatment for ALS. The idea behind ALS Ice Bucket Challenge is to help raise funds that can be used to conduct research and clinical trials of drugs that can cure or treat ALS. Nancy’s family and ALS managed to raise enough funds that will help ALSTDI in Cambridge Massachusetts to come with an ALS trial drug in 2 months.